Marketing task 3: What is the difference between USP vs ESP?

As a marketeer you want your product to be “different”. You want people to choose your product above another. That’s why you give your product a USP (unique selling proposition) or a ESP (emotional selling proposition).

What is the difference between a unique selling proposition and emotional selling proposition?

USP: What differs your product from another >> functional

ESP: Brand value based on emotion and imaginary >> emotional

Earlier, marketeers used to gave products only USP’s. Later studies have learned that a USP only works on short term with customers. Nowadays, we realize that a USP only is not enough, it should be combined with a ESP to achieve an effect on long term. That way, it is possible to create relationships with customers.


Find one advertisement of cosmetics, fruit juice, digital camera, and a PDA product. Discuss the absence or presence of USP and ESP

1) Cosmetics


ESP: It wants you to feel prettier. It wants you to realize that you can be or feel as pretty as the model. 

2) Fruit juice



USP: In contains a 100% of fruit so it is tasty.

3) Digital camera





USP: This digital camera gives better quality because it contains more pixels

4) PDA



USP: This PDA has a cleaning coth and a free screen protector

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